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February 9, 2022

Ato Enterprise Agreement Long Service Leave

Filed under: Uncategorized — Chris Chaten @ 1:32 PM

As an employee, one of the most important benefits you can acquire from your employer is long service leave. This particular type of leave entitlement is typically granted to employees who have been with the company for a considerable amount of time. It is important to understand the conditions and provisions of your long service leave entitlement, and in this article, we will discuss the ato enterprise agreement long service leave.

ATO Enterprise Agreement

Before we delve into the specifics of long service leave, let us first understand what the ATO Enterprise Agreement is. This agreement is a collective agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of employment for Australian Taxation Office (ATO) employees. The agreement covers a wide range of employment matters, including salaries, work hours, leave entitlements, and job security, among others.

What is Long Service Leave?

Long service leave is a type of leave entitlement that is granted to employees who have completed a certain length of service in a company or organization. Long service leave is a way to reward employees for their loyalty and service to the organization.

In Australia, the entitlement to long service leave is governed by state and territory legislation. These laws determine how much long service leave an employee is entitled to, how long it takes to qualify for long service leave, and how long an employee can take their leave for.

ATO Enterprise Agreement Long Service Leave

The ATO Enterprise Agreement provides for long service leave entitlements to eligible employees. The agreement specifies that ATO employees who have completed 10 years of continuous service to the organization are entitled to 13 weeks of long service leave.

Employees who have completed 15 years of continuous service are entitled to 20 weeks of long service leave, while those who have completed 20 years of continuous service are entitled to 26 weeks of long service leave. The agreement also specifies that ATO employees may take long service leave in one block or in multiple blocks with their employer`s agreement.

The agreement also outlines the conditions for the payment of long service leave. ATO employees are entitled to be paid for their long service leave at their ordinary weekly rate of pay. It is important to note that long service leave does not accrue annually; instead, it is accrued over a period of time.


Long service leave is an important entitlement for employees, and it is crucial to understand the conditions and provisions of your entitlement. The ATO Enterprise Agreement provides for long service leave entitlements to eligible employees, with entitlements determined by the length of service. As an ATO employee, it is important to familiarize yourself with these entitlements to ensure that you are aware of your rights and obligations.

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